Kindness #5

Today during school at our dance workshop, we were learning some new moves and I noticed Kayla was getting a little confused. Of course, I don’t blame her, the music was fast and everyone gets thrown off once in a while, so I decided to lend a hand. I chose this act of kindness because Kayla’s a great friend to me and I wanted to help her out. I walked her through the steps and try to do it slower so that she could catch onto the moves. Helping her made me feel happy and considerate that I could share some of my little dance knowledge with someone, it also made me feel great that I was contributing to the overall dance routine and it would look a little better when one more person did the choreography on time. I think that she felt considered, and was grateful that someone supported her and had her back. Even though it was a small favor, it made me smile, and made my day slightly better.

Kindness #4

Today at school, Amelie injured her head and I helped her stack her chair. I chose this act of kindness because hitting your head is no fun and I wanted to do something for her to make her feel better. I also know that Amelie helps out a lot throughout the community and is extremely kind, so I wanted to give back to her. Although it was small, it made me feel kind and considerate helping my friends out. I also think that Amelie felt considered, grateful and appreciated it. It wasn’t much but nevertheless made me feel happier and made my day the slightest bit better.

Kindness #3

The other day, Alyssa needed a few makeup products for a big dance performance that she was performing in, so I let her borrow mine. I chose this act of kindness because I know that Alyssa had been working extremely hard the past couple months and I knew that the performance was very important to her, so I wanted to do something kind for her and support her. Alyssa thanked me and it made me feel great that I helped her to get prepared for the show. Although the act of kindness was small, it didn’t make it any less significant. I think she felt great and cared about that somebody took time out of their day to find something for her and loan it to her. Overall, her performance was amazing and made me feel happy that I helped her and made her day the slightest bit better. I also felt special that I played a small part in contributing to her performance. Although your acts of kindness can be small, they definitely don’t go unnoticed and may help more than you think.

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress is a picture book written by Christine Baldacchino and illustrated Isabelle Malenfant. The theme of the book is acceptance and friendship. In the book, Morris Micklewhite is a boy who enjoys going to school and doing fun activities such as drawing and singing, but he really loves dressing up in a tangerine dress. However, Morris’ classmates say that dresses are only for girls and constantly taunt and exclude him from everything they’re doing. One day after being teased at school, he stays home and dreams a dream of space, and inspired by that dream, he comes back to school and builds his own spaceship. He has lots of fun and even gets some of his classmates to play with him, and in the end, they accept Morris for who he is, even if he’s wearing a dress. The message in general is to accept people for who they are and respect their opinions and choices. Just because Morris liked the dress didn’t make him any less or more than his classmates. Society may tell us that girls are supposed to wear dresses and boys aren’t and stereotype many things, but in the end it really doesn’t matter. I personally really enjoyed this book, it had a strong message and definitely made me think a little more than the other picture books I’ve read. I enjoyed the illustrations and how the author conveyed the message/theme in a special story. Overall, I enjoyed this book, and would definitely recommend it to any of my younger friends.

Kindness #2

The other day I was at dance class when I noticed that my teacher had curled her hair and it was different than usual. I thought that it looked really pretty and genuinely liked it, so I told her that her hair looked really nice. I chose this act of kindness because I know that a random compliment can make your day better, especially if you mean it and if they’ve had a bad day. When I told her, she looked taken aback, but thanked me, and was in a much better mood for the rest of the class, it made me feel great and appreciated. That day I not only made her day better, but my day better too. I also realized that she seemed much more confident and content. Your words do affect others and are more powerful than you think, and you make their day much better just by saying something kind.

Kindness #1

The other day I was at London Drugs and there was a lady who was circling the store looking confused. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed any help, and she was in fact looking for a specific hair product. However, she couldn’t read English, so we looked for the right product together together. We found it in the end, and she was extremely grateful. I think it made her day much better and it also made me happy that I got to help her. It surprisingly made me feel really happy and great about myself. I was having a pretty average day but seeing her smile made my day ten times better. When you are kind to someone else, it not only makes them feel better but also yourself.


Two is a picture book written and illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi. The main theme of the book is friendship and courage. In the book, One and Two are best friends and always stick together, until Three comes along. Two finds herself spending less time with One when Three is with One, and Two gets jealous! The other even numbers quickly comfort two, and make cruel statements about the odd numbers. The odd numbers disagree, and it turns into an all out fight! However, Two quickly steps up and tells everyone that there is no need to fight and that you everyone can play with whoever they want. Three apologizes to Two, and at the end of the day, One and Two are still friends, and all is well. The message of the book is that it’s okay for you to have more than one friend, that you can always meet with new people, and it is possible for everyone to get along. I really enjoyed the book. The illustrations were very pretty and creative. Overall, this book was really clever and funny, I would definitely recommend this book to a friend.